
  1. From Mechanical Engineering to Google: A Self-Taught Engineer’s Guide to Cracking the Google Interview

    April 23 2023

    My journey from being a self taught developer to landing job at Google as software engineer

  2. A 3-Year Journey: From No Job Offers To Getting Hired At Google

    January 25 2023

    My exclusive interview with zero to mastery. How I joined as a software engineer at Google

  3. Number of Provinces problem in Javascript

    September 08 2021

    There are n cities. Some of them are connected, while some are not. finding the total number of provinces with javascript

  4. Redux-Saga with React - Fetching from Geolocation API

    October 29 2020

    Geolocation works just as an asynchronous call. It's fairly simple to fetch it and store it in the component state with react. With redux-saga, you can easily do it

  5. Redux with React for Complete Beginners

    March 17 2020

    When you build your application which has many components, it becomes difficult to subscribe to state changes. You might need to keep lifting the state up to the parent component then passing it down the tree as props for other components to use it.

  6. How I transitioned from Mechanical Engineering into Web Developer Full Time

    July 29 2019

    Unarguably Mechanical Engineering is one of the best fields of engineering to pursue. But the taste and passion can be different for people

  7. WARNING! This is a test article. Come see how I test things ;)

    February 08 2007

    Test content for the blog, testing paragraphs, titles and code visuals

Created by Faiz Hameed © 2022